2010 John Busby Memorial Busby Stew Super Bowl Extravaganza
Who: The Hopson Commissary,Cathy and James Butler, Robert Birdsong,Kenny Denham and all who knew John Busby and wish to pass along his spirit of giving to the community through his love for curative cooking.
What: The 2010 John Busby Memorial Brunswick Stew Super Bowl Extravaganza will celebrate the memory of John Busby and the extraordinary dishes he shared so generously through the years with all who knew him. It was a tradition for John to invite friends to bring over whatever was in their freezer, with which he would prepare delicious dishs for the crowd. This year without John's talent in the kitchen, we will take those deer,duck, or whatever is brought to the Commissary and make a Brunswick Stew. Rumor is Kenny may have a Busby speciality there for everyone to enjoy.
This tradition will live on and now with a philanthropic component. This year's proceeds from donations for the Buzby Stew will be offered to the Busby family to help defray some of the medical and burial expenses incurred recently due to John's illness. In the coming years Meg Busby will be asked to choose a charity that John would have supported and all proceeds will go to that charitable organization. In addition to the donations for a bowl of Busby Stew, all money from the game board will be given to the Busby family as well.
Where: Hopson Commissary, Hwy 49 South, Clarksdale Ms
When: Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 7th Doors will open at noon,
Why: To honor the many contributions John Busby made to his family, friends and community through the generosity of his cooking skills and his unselfish giving of time and energy.
To contribute items from your freezer, please deliver them on Wednesday, Febuary 3rd, or Thursday,Febuary 4th, before the Super Bowl to Hopson Commissary. For additional information or to schedule a drop-off time please contact James Butler, jbutler57@yahoo.com or call 662 902 3866.
Come join the celebration of John's life and generosity, watch the Super Bowl on the two new huge flat screens, make a donotation to the John Busby Stew Fund, grab a bowl of delicious Busby Stew and give back some of the love that John spread around so selflessly.
We look forward to seeing you there